Tuesday 15 July 2014

Learning Ecology and Space from an administrators perspective in the context of division wide technology use

The graphic below is my learning ecology tree.  It describes what I believe to be the contextualization of the 3 spaces we ask our students to work in.  The context that I chose was not from a classroom perspective but from a division perspective on technology implementation and usage.  My tree contains each of the spaces with which our learning ecology discussion supports.  Each branch is connected and supported by the understanding that understanding of technology and digital pedagogy is important for student, staff and school success in an environment that is inundated with social media and other platforms.  The highlight of my tree is with respect to the virtual understanding learning ecology.  In my case, the idea of engagement is the focal point of my piece because as it has been stated in the class..."students are the digital natives, we are just the visitors". 

If we want our students and staff to thrive we must provide infrastructure and environment for this to happen.  So, looking at the how we can help implement programs like the BYOD for students and following the SAMR model for teachers (SAMR Model) of substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition to reframe teaching models is paramount to student and staff success.  

As far as an end goal for my model below is to create a stronger root structure to help support those who need it but also allowing for the development of the new foliage of innovation and design.  

Technology and Digital Pedagogy in Peace Wapiti - Creation of a Quality Learning Environment

The links below connects to the plan for PWSD Technology and Digital Pedagogy Plan:

Peace Wapiti Technology and Digital Pedagogy Document

Quality Learning Environment Model for Peace Wapiti School Division

It is important to understand that graphic you see here is the work of teachers within my school division.  The link above will give you links to each of the items that are located on this graphic. It is based on the concepts of Alberta Education's Inspiring Education document.

As far as the framework goes and creating a quality learning environment is linked to our discussion of learning ecology and the conceptualization of the concepts of physical, temporal and virtual space.

The praxis of creating a quality learning environment revolves around creating collaborative time, connecting to community and building best practice.  The purpose of the model above has key linkages to Alberta Education's Inspiring Education Model.  We, as a province is embarking on how to engage in changes in purposeful assessment, Dynamic Learning Environment, Intentional Practice and Collaborative engaged educator.

As the chair of the Technology and Digital Pedagogy sub committee, the model that I've been tasked to engage the educators in my division with revolves around planning technology usage within our division.  The document link that I've attached is the model I will be using to help facilitate the change that is on the horizon for my school division.